There is an update by the Home Office stating that they will be reshaping UK immigration rules for dependent children from 5 October 2023. Take a better look at it through this blog.
The Goal of Alterations
The goal of these alterations is to streamline the immigration process and promote equality and safety of the children being applied for the immigration process. A few tweaks in the rules are being made as an additional Appendix of the immigration guidelines, called Appendix Children. It is designed to cover children’s application as dependants or primary. There are no changes in the main criteria, which are:
- Age
- Care
- Relationship
However, the changes are done in “leading an independent life” to infuse clarity and consistency into the process.
The Present Wordings
The present wordings in the Statement of Changes in Immigration Rules are:
“Must not be leading an independent life” or “is not leading an independent life,” meaning the applicant:
(a) Have no partner
(b) Is still living with their parents (excluding if they are at boarding school, college, or university as part of their full-time education)
This requirement assists if the child is emotionally and financially dependent on a parent or guardian. There are specific criteria to tell if they live an independent life or not when discussing immigration applications.
Requirement For Entry Clearance & Independent Life
A common parental consent requirement is introduced as a key change for children who are applying for permission to stay independently or for entry clearance. Through this, the government aims to secure children’s rights and ensure that their best interests are looked into while making immigration decisions.
What Does Appendix Children Include?
While planning to expand its coverage, Appendix Children will be applied to 20 routes. It offers:
- Detailed guidance
- Defining who qualifies as a child
- Specifications of application requirements
- Outlining necessary documentation
- Clarifying the factors considered by the Home Office.
These adjustments are pointing towards a positive shift and making the immigration system more accessible. The Home Office wants the process to be fair and more child-focused, which is why they are trying to make it more transparent and consistent.
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