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Canadian Citizenship Updates

New Canadian Citizenship By Descent Bill C-71
May 28, 2024

New Canadian Citizenship By Descent Bill C-71

Today’s blog update is about Canada’s New Citizenship by Descent; Bill C-71. Expanding Access and Rights. So do read the full blog and share it with your friends and family on Facebook, Whatsapp and X (formerly known as twitter). Introduction
How Can You Apply For A Canadian Citizenship Certificate?
July 16, 2023

How Can You Apply For A Canadian Citizenship Certificate?

Usually, adults with Canadian parents submit applications for proof of citizenship to confirm their eligibility for a Canadian citizenship certificate. Applicants can ask their Canadian parents to apply on their behalf or do it themselves.     IRCC demands proof
Apply For Canadian Citizenship
June 26, 2023

Apply For Canadian Citizenship

You could be eligible for Canadian citizenship if you were born in another country, but one of your legal or biological parents at birth was a Canadian citizen. You are required to submit proof of Canadian citizenship application to the