The Home Office has modified its “Statement of Changes to the Immigration Rules (HC1780)“. Today, in this blog, we will be discussing the following:
- EU Settlement Scheme (EUSS) Adjustments
- Electronic Travel Authorisation (ETA) Updates
- Introduction of Appendix Children
- Expanding the Youth Mobility Scheme
- Settlement Concession for Pre-1997 Gurkhas and Hong Kong Military Veterans
1. EU Settlement Scheme (EUSS) Adjustments
Administrative Review rights will be removed for EUSS refusals. According to this, after 5 October 2023, you can no longer go for an administrative review if your application is rejected or is granted pre-settled status instead of settled status.
2. Electronic Travel Authorisation (ETA) Updates
In October 2023, the UK will be launching its ETA scheme. After this an ETA will be required for non-visa nationals for a visit or transit through the UK. NHS debt is removed as grounds for refusing an ETA application, which is a major change.
3. Introduction of Appendix Children
A latest comprehensive Appendix will be introduced, which will be dedicated to children, covering standard criteria for those who are applying as dependents or independently.
4. Expanding the Youth Mobility Scheme
The eligible age range will be expanded for Australian and Canadian citizens. Under this program,
the expansion will be from 18-30 to 18-35. The stay duration will also increase from 2 to 3 years.
5. Settlement Concession for Pre-1997 Gurkhas and Hong Kong Military Veterans
There will be a formal integration of the 2009 concession for pre-1997 Gurkhas into the Immigration rules. To gain residency in the UK, a new route for pre-1997 members of Hong Kong military units and their families will be established.
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