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UK Immigration Rules Have Become Stricter Than Ever Post-Brexit

UK Visa Updated Waiting Processing Times Published On The 24th March 2023

EU citizens are facing challenges in reuniting with their loved ones in the UK Post-Brexit.




Interestingly, the United Kingdom ranked second for being a country with harsh rules for family reunification, according to the Migrant Integration Policy Index scale. Post-Brexit rules have made it difficult for EU citizens to get their visa applications approved under family reunification criteria, preventing them from joining their loved ones in the UK.



According to the MIPEX, Britain is second to Denmark out of 56 countries as the worst nation for family reunification.

It is no secret family reunification is turning out to be a massive hurdle for non-EU entrants to the UK.

As a result, newcomers have to deal with strict restrictions and equally unfavourable requirements. Plus, the future of family-reunited migrants is not secure.

Don’t forget EU citizens got the same treatment as British people for living and working in the UK before Brexit.

However, millions of EU citizens who were able to confirm they lived and worked in the UK before 2020 received settled status or temporary residency under the Withdrawal Agreement.

On the other hand, it has been a nightmare for people who failed to qualify for this scheme.

The UK scored 56 out of 100 for its immigration policies in the MIPEX report.

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