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What’s New On Australian Citizenship Amendment (Refund of Fees) Regulations 2023?

New Update on Australian Citizenship 2023 Australia Announces Citizenship Fee Refund Update

The Australian government has brought about changes to the Australian Citizenship Amendment (Refund of Fees) Regulations 2023. In this blog, let’s find out what changes to refunds you can expect.


Latest Updates On Australian Citizenship Fee Refunds

The 2007 Australian Citizenship Act brings about the procedure to obtain Australian citizenship, conditions for refusal, and other related topics. Section 54, a noteworthy section, permits the Governor-General the authorization needed for establishing the regulations for the Act’s potent and successfully effective implementation.

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What Are The 2023 Key Amendments?

The latest “Australian Citizenship Amendment (Refund of Fees) Regulations 2023” has brought about significant amendments to the year 2016’s Australian Citizenship Regulation. This amendment particularly focuses on the recalculation of the amount that is refunded under Section 17 of the Citizenship Regulation. Refunds, now, will be centered upon relevant items that are listed in Schedule 3 of the Citizenship Regulation instead of being based upon fixed dollar values.

This amendment follows the Australian Citizenship Amendment (Indexation of Citizenship Application Fees) Regulations 2023, which made an increment to the citizenship fee on July 1, 2023. This new regulation has been made in order to make sure that the appropriate fee portion is refundable if, in case, the test for citizenship has not been taken. Furthermore, if a credit card or PayPal surcharge has been made for the citizenship application fee, then this surcharge will comparatively be reflected on the fee specified in Schedule 3.

To Conclude

These changes or amendments have been made in order to smooth the refund process so as to ensure the applicants get the correct amount of refunds, specifically after the fee changes that were introduced on July 1, 2023.

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