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Delays For Australian Citizenship Applicants


Today’s Blog update will discuss the delays individuals face while waiting for Australian residency.

The latest figures reveal applicants encounter an average wait of 13 months as Coronavirus affects citizenship processing times.

Also, Australian residents are constantly waiting above a year for their applications to be processed, with 1 in 10 encountering delays of at least two years.

The federal government met new criticism about the backlog in processing applications. More than 16,000 people qualified to become residents, while hundreds of citizenship ceremonies were conducted in Australia.

The opposition spokesperson for multicultural affairs, Andrew Giles, stated recently that many people became Australian residents, which was an amazing joy and a significant advantage to the nation.

A spokesperson for the Department of Home Affairs stated that the average processing time for citizenship by conferral was 13 months from the date of application to the conclusion.

The current departmental figures depict some of these applications bear two or more years, with 90% of applications processed within 24 months.

The department recorded 144,847 applications for Australian citizenship by the conferral recently, which was a decline from last year September which was 163,000.

Andrew Giles, also the shadow minister assisting for the immigration and citizenship, stated that the processing time indicated a continued lack of interest by the Morrison government as a multicultural nation.

He further stated that citizenship offered people the right to be a part of the ballot box and that it was “appalling” that almost 150,000 people were being rejected their opportunity to have their voice at the federal election.

He added that there had been a great opportunity to remove the unacceptable backlog through the pandemic; however, the numbers remain unacceptably high.

The Department of Home Affairs expressed that Covid-19 threats and restrictions resumed disrupting face-to-face services, such as citizenship test appointments to varying extents in various places over time.

The Department of Home Affairs stated that Covid-19 risks and restrictions persisted in disrupting face-to-face services, such as citizenship test appointments, to contrasting extents in various locations over time.

A spokesperson from the department added that the applicants who lived in areas that encountered longer periods of disruption due to the pandemic were now waiting significantly longer for a citizenship test appointment than others.

By 31 December 2021, two-thirds of approved candidates had, at that period, been waiting less than six months to partake in a citizenship ceremony.

Between January 2020 and December 2021, more than 314,000 people across Australia have received Australian citizenship via online or in-person ceremonies.

Since the virtual option was introduced in March 2020, 133,416 people have become residents via online ceremonies.

Above 16,000 people from almost 150 countries were recently asked to join one of more than 400 citizenship ceremonies. The government has motivated councils to conduct online citizenship ceremonies if Covid-19 restrictions prevent in-person ones.

On Australia Day 2021, there were 12,561 conferees, including 826 online ceremonies.

The minister for immigration and citizenship, Alex Hawke, stated that citizenship ceremonies were an opportunity to welcome fresh citizens and celebrate the democratic worth that makes them proud to be Australians.

Hawke, who headed over a citizenship ceremony at the City of Parramatta Council, stated that Australia Day carries a special meaning for hundreds of thousands of people who formerly made the Australian citizenship pledge on this day.

He added that deciding to become an Australian citizen implies embracing the privileges, rights, and responsibilities that include with Australian citizenship and committing to the national values founded on respect, freedom, democracy and equality.

Processing times have moved around throughout the pandemic. In August 2020, 90% of applications for Australian citizenship by conferral were selected within 28 months, an increase from 21 months at the beginning of 2020.

Processing times have moved around throughout the pandemic. In August 2020, 90% of applications for Australian citizenship by conferral were determined within 28 months. This was an increment from 21 months at the beginning of 2020.

The processing times were starting to progress at the start of 2021 when figures revealed 90% of applications were being decided within 17 months. But that figure has now risen again to 24 months as of December 2021.

Other than Covid-19 disorders to citizenship tests, the Department of Home Affairs debates factors that can impact processing times, including how promptly the applicant replies to requests for more information.

This is the end of today’s blog update. We hope you found this blog useful. Please don’t forget to support us by subscribing to our newsletter and sharing this blog with your friends and family on Facebook, Whatsapp, and Twitter.

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