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Coming Soon! New Canada Immigration Levels Plan 2024

What's New in Canada's Immigration for 2024 Latest Canada Immigration News Updates

As expected, on November 1, 2023, the new Canada immigration levels plan for 2024-2026 is confirmed to be announced. This immigration levels plan will lay out the annual targets for the upcoming 3 years. This will also be the first immigration levels plan announcement by the new Minister of Immigration, Refugees, Citizenship, and Canada – Marc Miller.

It’s expected that the announcement will be closely monitored in terms of Canada’s immigration targets. The new levels plan should answer whether the annual immigration targets will increase, decrease, or remain the same.


A parallel between the views of the current immigration minister and the former minister, Sean Fraser, is the belief in the requirement for more immigrants to develop houses. They believe that immigration is the ideal solution for the ongoing housing crisis.

Reducing immigration is not an option, according to Marc Miller. However, the question to ponder is whether the current levels should be further increased or not.

What To Expect From November’s Immigration Level Plan?

The big question for those planning to migrate to Canada is, will the immigration levels increase?

It’s no hidden truth that people worldwide show interest in Canadian immigration. From families to highly skilled individuals, they attempt their best to call this amazing country their permanent home.

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Let’s not forget that the number of work permit holders, international students, asylum seekers, and their families within Canada is also exponentially on the rise. These individuals are also facing the risk of the unavailability of permanent residency spots.

Considering these factors, we can expect an increase in the annual immigration targets of around 500,000.

When looking into the Canada immigration levels plan for 2024, the target is already set to the following:

2024: Target of 485,000

2025: Target of 500,000

Therefore, the chances remain higher for the immigration targets to witness a further increase.

However, a pressing issue haunts the minds of Canadians currently living in the country. With the ongoing housing crunch plus inflation, should Canada consider reducing the acceptance of immigrants? Now, that’s a question to think about.

We hope you found this information helpful. Follow our blogs for the latest updates and informative content on Canadian immigration.

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