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Big Changes to Come in Australia Skilled Visa Immigration

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Biggest Change In Australian Immigration System In Decades

Australia is now interested in replacing its skills-based visa program with a demand-driven immigration system, equipping businesses with the authority to determine which job roles need to be filled. Currently, Australia is examining its skills-based visa program with the possibility of eliminating hundreds of visa sub-categories and other skills occupation lists.

Australian Home Affairs Minister says that all sorts of ideas are being considered for what has been called the biggest alteration of the immigration system in years to deal with a historic labor shortage.

The government plans to improve economic growth and productivity in order to maintain the country’s geostrategic influence while strengthening its sovereign capability. Here, unions and industries will be playing a significant role as they have been given the responsibility to come up with ways that keep workers from getting exploited.

Furthermore, Australia’s prolonged processing wait time of up to 15 months is not helping with bringing the required talent to the country.

Those in favor of the policy believe that eliminating the skills list would reduce processing wait times. Plus, it will prove helpful in identifying workforce shortages, especially for jobs that require high skills and pay increased wages.

Home Affairs Minister is reported as stating that the review is going to add efficiency to the system, making it more resourceful for the country to attract and retain highly talented workers from all over the world. Furthermore, it will help establish simpler rules for migrants and businesses while complementing the skills of Australian workers.

Here, it is important to note that once the changes are implemented, it would create an immigration system, in which potential migrants will be required to first find an employer offering a job that suits their skills and expertise before applying for a visa. Previously, in a traditional skilled migration system, migrants used to get a visa first and then find work according to their qualifications and skills.

Yes, an employer-driven system has its benefits and drawbacks. For instance, it would relieve migrants of having to find a job after acquiring a visa. However, potential migrants may not be able to migrate to a location that suits their preferences. Some experts believe that the implementation of such changes to the immigration system is likely to take years. Therefore, they think that potential migrants should continue reaping the advantages of the current immigration system instead of waiting for it to change since it has been generously granting visa invitations to countless migrants.

Currently, the Australian Federal Government is reviewing the system and has also issued a discussion paper about the ongoing review. More information is available on the department’s official website.

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