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19,000 PR Visas for Refugees in Australia: Australia Refugee Visa News

19 000 PR Visas for Refugees in Australia Australia Refugee Visa News

Big News! Australia To Grant Permanent Residency to 19000 Refugees

Australia will be giving social security to 19000 refugees and reuniting them with their families.

In early 2023, the Albanese government is going to permit 19,000 refugees to reside in Australia permanently. Those refugees will be reunited with family members and given rights to social security.

What’s important to note here is that this decision is going to affect all those with Temporary Protection Visas or TPVs as well as individuals holding Safe Haven Enterprise Visas or SHEVs. These are people who came to Australia in 2014 by boat and have lived there for at least a decade.

While the Labor plans to eliminate TPVs, the Refugee Council of Australia and Independent MP, along with other advocates, have argued that a decision concerning another 12000 people with bridging visas belonging to the legacy caseload is still pending.

In response, Labor claims that some of those asylum seekers are not owed protection under the fast-track assessment process.

It seems that the government has approved the plan for TPV and SHEV holders to go for permanent residency this year.

It should be noted that with permanent residency, those individuals will be able to travel out of Australia while applying for visas for relatives living in other countries.

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