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Breaking Australia Student Visa Fees increased to 1,600 from 1 July

Australia Doubles Student Visa Fees: What You Need to Know

In today’s blog update, we’ll help you understand the Fee Increase announced by the Government of Australia.

Effective July 1, 2024, the Australian government has implemented a substantial increase in student visa fees, with the application cost rising to AUS$1,600—a sharp 125% increase from the previous AUS$710 fee.

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Australian Government Rationale and Impact

According to official statements, the fee hike aims to reflect the increasing value of education in Australia and strengthen integrity within the international education sector. Minister for Home Affairs Clare O’Neil emphasized that the increased fees will support vital education and migration initiatives under the Migration Strategy.

** Check required documents for Australian Immigration with Australian Visa Application Document Checklist Tool  for free.

New Fee Structure

Alongside the main applicant fee, the revised fee schedule includes charges of AUS$1,445 for each accompanying applicant aged 18 and above, and AUS$390 for accompanying family members under 18 years old.

**Check your eligibility to Australia with V&I Australia Points Calculator for free.

Comparison with Global Standards

The new fee places Australian student visa costs significantly higher than those in Canada (CDN$150, approximately AUS$165) and the United States (US$185, approximately AUS$280).

** Willing to migrate to Australia? V&I will guide you in step by step process.

Implications for Students

This fee adjustment comes amidst rising rejection rates for student visa applications in 2024, underscoring challenges in the visa process despite the fee increase.

**Want to work in Australia? V&I is here to help you.


As Australia implements these changes, prospective international students should factor in the increased financial commitment when planning their education journeys. Stay informed about further developments and adjustments to Australian immigration policies that may impact future applicants.

For more updates on Australian immigration, sign up for our newsletter today.


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