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Eligibility Requirements For UK Fiancé Visa


All non-British nationals who wish to come to the UK to marry their British partner, hold pre-settled status, or are currently settled in the country are eligible to apply for a UK Fiancé visa. This short-term visa is valid for up to 6 months and is extendable. The partner in the UK, also known as the sponsor, must sponsor the applicant.

What Are The Eligibility Requirements?

You must fulfil the following eligibility conditions in 2022 if you intend to apply for these visas.

UK Fiancé visa

  • The age of you and your partner must be 18 or over;
  • Your partner must hold one of the following statuses:
  1. UK British Citizen
  2. Present’ and ‘Settled’ in the United Kingdom
  3. An individual issued with Pre-Settled Status under the EU Settlement Scheme; or
  4. In the United Kingdom, with refugee leave or with humanitarian protection.

    Your UK partner must be in the UK and settled there, which implies the following-

  1.  At the time of submission of your UK Fiancé Visa application, your partner in the UK must be settled in the UK
  2. ) In the application, your UK partner must indicate that they will come back to the UK with you (the applicant) if the visa application is successful.


  • The relationship between you and your partner must be legally recognized in the UK
  • Your partner must be in person;
  • The relationship between the two of you must exist and be genuine;
  • You must have the intention of marrying your partner within six months of your arrival;
  • You must confirm that any previous marriages or civil partnerships are no more ;
  • You must fulfil the financial requirements in one of the following methods:


Your UK partner and yourself must have a collective income of a minimum of £18,600. However, if you have a dependent child, the minimum annual income threshold is £3,800 with an additional £18,600, which adds up to £22,400. In a situation where you have more than one dependent child, in addition to £22,400, the annual income of your UK partner must be at least £2,400 for each child, starting from the second child.


  1. If your UK partner and you have a collective cash savings of above £62,500, your financial conditions are fulfilled, given that no dependent child is applying with you. If your fiancé and/or you possess cash savings of a minimum of £16,000 but less than £62,500, this saving amount can lower the financial requirements that apply to your application.
  2. You won’t be required to fulfil the minimum income threshold requirement if your UK partner accepts an authorised benefit as the following:
  • Disability Living Allowance
  • Mobility Supplement
  • Armed Forces Independence Payment
  • Guaranteed Income Payment via the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme
  • War Disablement Pension via the War Pensions Scheme
  • Constant Attendance Allowance etc.

In such a condition, a proper maintenance test will apply.

  • You must fulfil the accommodation requirement. You must ensure that appropriate accommodation is available in the UK for you and your partner. However, the accommodation can be temporary until you marry your UK partner.
  • You must fulfil the English language condition.
  • You need to show the Tuberculosis Test result if you belong to a country where TB tests are mandatory.

When To Apply for ILR?

Once you have resided in the United Kingdom on a UK Fiancé visa, followed by a UK spouse visa for five years, you will be eligible to apply for indefinite leave to remain in the UK, given that you fulfil additional eligibility requirements for ILR.

This is the end of today’s blog update. We hope you found this blog useful. Please don’t forget to support us by subscribing to our newsletter and sharing this blog with your friends and family on Facebook, Whatsapp, and Twitter.

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