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Canada Top Choice For International Students

Canada Top Choice For International Students

Why Is Canada The Top Choice For International Students?

In today’s blog, we will be discussing why Canada is popular among foreign students and the benefits of acquiring a Canadian study permit.

Canada is one of the most popular places for international students. The number of international students has increased fourfold in the last 20 years. In 2021, more than 620,000 international students choose Canada to further their studies. In just one year, Canada issued around 450,000 additional study permits. Regardless of the reasons, which include the higher standard of education, multiculturalism, the accessible currency, and the opportunities for jobs and permanent residency, the high demand to study in Canada is still persisting.

There are multiple reasons why so many foreign students go to Canada every year. One of the significant advantages is that the Canadian study permit allows foreign students to work and study in Canada simultaneously, so it’s easier for them to earn and support themselves throughout their degree.

Moreover, later this work experience results in eligibility for permanent residency as international graduates can remain in Canada even after their graduation due to work experience.

2021 was a record year, with 367,000 study visa applications being received between January 1 and July 31. Comparing that to the study visa application received this year between January 1 and August 31, which is 452,000, this indicates a rise of 23%.

In 2021, IRCC processed around 119,000 requests for an extension for Canadian study permits, with a 97% rate of acceptance. Between January 1 and August 2022, with an acceptance rate of 96%, more than 135,000 applications were processed.

For many potential immigrants, obtaining a study permit in Canada is a common way to get permanent residency in the future. Due to factors such as the study and work experience in Canada, along with proficiency in English and/or French language, foreign students who acquire permanent residency manage to blend into the Canadian labor market quite easily, this is why the IRCC offers different types of programs that have been created to assist international graduates to find employment and remain in Canada.

This is the end of today’s blog update. We hope you found this blog useful. Please don’t forget to support us by subscribing to our newsletter and sharing this blog with your friends and family on Facebook, Whatsapp, and Twitter.

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