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Canada To Launch Online Passport Renewal Services

Canada rolling out online renewal this fall revamps Canadian passport design

There’s good news for Canadians since they can start applying to renew their passport online this fall. That’s right; Immigration Minister Sean Fraser confirmed the launch of online passport renewal services as the government unveiled the newly designed Canadian travel document.



For those who don’t know, the new passport comes with a deep blue cover with an outline of a maple leaf. Interestingly, the coat of arms has been moved to the bottom left corner from the centre.



Moreover, the images of the country’s history found inside the passport have been changed, with new photos reflecting Canada’s nature, wildlife, and diversity.

It should be noted that the newly designed passport has several advanced security features and new artwork. The federal government also confirmed that the new passport maintains its status and integrity as a highly secure and globally accepted travel document for every Canadian.

Now some people may still get the old passports during the summer. Rest assured that old passports remain valid until you renew your travel document with the new design. More details regarding this are expected to be conveyed to the public soon.

Another interesting thing to note here is that Canadians will be able to renew their passport, upload photos, and pay the fees online from this fall.

Immigration Minister Sean Fraser believes the new Canadian passport represents the country’s national identity and values.

Plus, it reminds people of Canada’s diversity and beauty while shedding light on the country’s commitment to granting entry to people from different parts of the world.

As far as the modifications are concerned, the personal information of passport holders will be laser engraved instead of ink-printed in the new design. This will increase the durability of the data page.

The newly designed passport also has a Kinegram over the primary photo, a variable laser image, a temperature-sensitive ink feature, and a custom transparent window with the passport holder’s secondary image.

We hope you found this information helpful. Follow our blogs for the latest updates and informative content on Canadian immigration.

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