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What is a UCI Number, and How Is It Allocated?

What is a UCI Number and How Is It Allocated

The Unique Client Identifier, or UCI, is a client identification number (Client ID) specified by the Canadian government. This client ID, or unique identifier, can be viewed on all of the documents from law firms and will assist the potential immigrants in processing their documents to successfully migrate to Canada.

Individuals who have been waiting to emigrate to Canada and have contacted a law firm to get help in the process of obtaining their immigration papers will be provided with a UCI number, which is like a Client ID.

The following is the numbering order for a UCI number.

Four numbers followed by a hyphen in between, and then followed by four numbers

For Example: 0000-0000

Two numbers followed by a hyphen, then by four numbers, another hyphen, and finally four numbers.

Example: 00-0000-0000

The Unique Client Identifier is not provided for candidates who apply for the first time. So, if they are asked for the number in any form that they are filling, the candidate is asked to fill in ‘N/A’ or ‘Not Applicable’ in the given space for the same.

Online applicants are needed to be notified that if the space provided does not permit the candidate to type ‘N/A’, they should leave the space empty.

Please note that while asking about different issues from the IRCC, the candidate needs to ensure that he/she selects the correct section. If the application is in progress, the applicant has to establish whether the application was filed from within Canada or at an embassy or consulate  abroad. You are required to select the visa office that is managing the process for the candidate’s country.

Consequently, the query raised by the candidate would be sent to the appropriate office which has the details of the said candidate.

All relevant fields should be filled in by the applicant, and the query should be clearly mentioned in the proper field. Documents can also be uploaded if required to do so.

This is the end of today’s blog update. We hope you found this blog useful. Please don’t forget to support us by subscribing to our newsletter and sharing this blog with your friends and family on Facebook, Whatsapp, and Twitter.

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