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Record High Backlog For UK Asylum Seekers With 175000 Applications

Record High Backlog For UK Asylum Seekers With 175,000+ Applications!

According to the latest updates, the UK is having trouble with its asylum system backlog, which has reached a record high. In today’s blog, let’s look into this a little further.


According to the Home Office statistics, the UK is currently facing a tough time with over 175,000 pending applications of asylum seekers.


This is a record-high number which has surpassed previous years.


Many charities and organisations have raised concerns about how such delays affect these applicants immensely.


The Refugee Council highlighted how such delays could impact these people with an uncertain future in the UK.


What’s interesting is that data also gives us a good view into which nationalities are most seeking asylum in the UK.


For instance, Albanians are topping the list, and Afghanistan is right behind them.

If we compare with the previous year, the year up to June 2023 saw a massive spike of 44 percent individuals waiting for a decision.


Although the Home Office admits the increasing backlog, they also point out the measures they’ve taken to slow this growth.


They’re also hopeful about tackling the ‘legacy backlog‘ by the end of 2023.

So, to sum it up, with the numbers rising on pending applications, the government and relevant agencies must take prompt actions to ensure the well-being of the affected.


That’s all from us for today. Sign up to ur newsletter for the latest updates on UK immigration.

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