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UK's new Dependant& spouse visa rules

Higher Salary Threshold For UK Family Visa

Today’s blog is about UK raising the minimum income threshold requirement by 55% above its previous value for family visas.


The main measures of UK government to clear the doubts about the migration are to impose some regulations that control the flow of migration. UK family visa income: Severely restrictive changes have been introduced by the UK government to its immigration policy, where it has dramatically risen the minimum income threshold that permits the visa applications of family members.

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With immediate effect, individuals seeking to support family visas are to have a minimum annual salary of not lower than £29,000. This is quite a substantial increase compared to the previous salary figure of £18,600, up by a whopping 55 per cent.


This announcement follows a policy from Prime Minister Rishi Sunak that foresees lowering immigration levels – has been released at a times when debates over immigration in the UK intensified.

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The UK government initiated actions to alleviate the challenges associated with immigration by bringing forth stricter rules that can keep the flow of migrants at the required level.

The makeshift nature of the Intermediaries had become increasingly unsustainable amid mass migration so Minister Cleverly of UK Interior Ministry insisted that pressure be alleviated both on the workers and the taxpayers while safeguarding the interests of British Job seekers. Highlight shrewdly on the government’s idea of developing a green immigration frame, which allows the immigrants who have already made the move to UK to support themselves.


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The updated financial requirement requires reuniting families in the U.K. to show that they are financially independent. These family members can qualify by providing personal and/or employment-related savings as the stipulated means to satisfy the income threshold. The government affirms its intension to ensure that the immigration system is such that it is equitable, transparent, and in line with this country’s economic targets.


First and foremost, the UK government has proposed to widen income ceilings, besides having strict visa rules for students and an increased health surcharge to foreign nationals.


These actions form a part of government’s work in general on managing immigration levels as well as on giving sustainability for the public services.

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Immigrants populate the UK currently 745,000 and this issue concerns the government. The UK Government plans to reduce them to 300 thousand and the number is said to show a trend of the new immigration politics. With the new set of regulations in place, the people who are interested in visiting the UK, and families who are seeking to live there, will have to go through the updated procedures to be granted the visas and residency in UK.

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