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High Demand Jobs in Australia with Salaries | 2022 to 2026

High Demand Jobs in Australia with Salaries

Top 5 High Demand Jobs in Australia During The Skills Shortage

Today’s blog will highlight the top 5 jobs in Australia that’s in need of skilled workers.

The labour market in Australia is flourishing as the number of workers without jobs is still at the lowest even after an increase in the inflation rate to 6.8% in August.

Although the pressure of expenses due to inflation may be troublesome, most Australians do not need to worry about job security. Due to the present skill shortage in Australia, the number of job vacancies is greater than the number of workers available.

But is the situation the same throughout the country or are some states providing more job opportunities?

Data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics show that ACT has the lowest rate of unemployment (2.7 per cent), Western Australia has an unemployment rate of 3.1 per cent, the Eastern Seaboard states are close to the national average of 3.5 per cent, and the highest is in Tasmania at 4.9 per cent.

Which Jobs Rank at Top 5?

Due to the shortage of experienced workers throughout most parts of the economy, some skills will certainly be in higher demand than others.

The following are five of the jobs which are in the highest need of workers.

  1. IT project managers
  2. Accountants
  3. Heavy diesel fitters
  4. Civil engineers
  5. Software developers

The demand for these jobs may slightly differ across different states but these jobs are in high demand. Because of the online transformation of many businesses, the demand for IT project managers is increasing.

Similarly, software developers can find multiple opportunities in organizations who want to improve and maintain the interface of their digital channels.

Different projects in pipeline infrastructures are also increasing the need for engineering skills throughout the country, and the skills required for these projects are already in shortage.

The long-established mines in Western Australia and Queensland are in need of heavy diesel fitters who have special skills in repairing and maintenance of heavy plant equipment and vehicles.

The skill shortage in Australia is expected to continue for a while despite the changes of the Job Summit put into effect.

This is the end of today’s blog update. We hope you found this blog useful. Please don’t forget to support us by subscribing to our newsletter and sharing this blog with your friends and family on Facebook, Whatsapp, and Twitter.

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2 thoughts on “High Demand Jobs in Australia with Salaries | 2022 to 2026

Ishtiaq Ahmadsays:

Sir. I am a Pakistani resident and specialize in the cutting and stitching of various dresses ladies and gents in a garment company. Silket me for a strelia work visa. I am a skilled tailoring professional. Thank you


Hi Team,
Currently my wife is in India (Off-shore) working with Ernst & Young Global IT organization is a Big 4. She have 12+ year IT exp. working as a Sr. Business Analyst in EY, she have submitted her Global Talent Visa documents for EOI on 21 Nov. 2022(Sector- Digitech).Her new Australia Organization nominate her application.
1. Her organization Nominator provide Form 1000,Intent of offer and Australia Citizen Co-founder of company provide Australian passport and mentioned above 162K AUD salary.
2. Submitted many country recommendation letter from leadership teams like Directors,MD and CEO of previous org.
3. Submitted many rewards .
Need your help if you can, please reachout to me .


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