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Don’t Miss Out! 5 Secret FREE Settlement Resources for International Students in Canada!

Five Free Settlement Resources for International Students in Canada

In today’s blog update we’ll discover the Essential Settlement Resources for International Students in Canada.

Settlement Services with a Student Visa

International students in Canada on student visas can access various settlement services to ease their transition. These services, offered by organizations across all provinces and territories, assist with language training, job searching, healthcare access, and community integration.

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Designated Learning Institution (DLI) Services

Every international student must study at a Designated Learning Institution (DLI). DLIs offer essential support services, including:

  • Banking Guidance
    Learn about Canadian banks, credit unions, and the differences between credit and debit cards.
  • Immigration Pathways
    Get information on future immigration options.
  • Legal Rights
    Understand your rights as an international student.
  • Community Involvement
    Find ways to engage with your local community.

** Willing to migrate to Canada? V&I will guide you in step by step process.

WoodGreen in Toronto, Ontario

WoodGreen operates five locations in Toronto and provides a broad range of settlement services, such as:

  • Access to Services
    Help with housing, healthcare, education, and legal aid.
  • Employment Support
    Assistance with job searching and application processes.
  • Immigration Assistance
    Guidance on citizenship, permanent residency, and work permits.
  • Community Programs
    Connect to language training and recreational activities.


Mosaic British Columbia

Located in Vancouver and Burnaby, Mosaic British Columbia offers support through the British Columbia Settlement and Integration Services (BCSIS) program, including:

  • Employment Coaching
    Help with job searching, resumes, and interviews.
  • Social Activities
    Facilitating community engagement events.
  • Permanent Residence Pathways
    Workshops and seminars to explore immigration options.
  • Government Services
    Assistance with healthcare access and more.

** Check your eligibility to Canada with V&I Canada CRS Points Calculator for free.

Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy (CBAL)

Operating in 16 communities across British Columbia, CBAL offers:

  • Individual Support
    Help with local services, banking, housing, and healthcare.
  • Employment Assistance
    Guidance on Canadian workplace culture and job applications.
  • Language Training
    English language assessments and training, both online and in-person.


Action for Healthy Communities (A4HC) in Edmonton, Alberta

A4HC provides a variety of services in English and French, including:

  • Life in Canada
    Information on health, housing, banking, and financial literacy.
  • Employment Support
    Job searching, self-employment guidance, and business start-up assistance.
  • Community Involvement
    Opportunities for social and cultural networking, volunteering, and community events.

** Want to work in Canada? V&I is here to help you.


These organizations offer invaluable resources for international students on student visas in Canada. By taking advantage of these services, students can better integrate into their new communities and succeed in their academic and personal endeavors.

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