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Canada’s Immigration Levels Plan for 2024-2026: An Overview

Canada’s Immigration Levels Plan for 2024 2026 An Overview

Today’s blog is an overview of the latest Canada Immigration Level Plans 2024-26 which talks about the following:

  • Setting New Targets
  • Policy Implications and Challenges
  • Express Entry Modifications
  • Focus on Francophone Immigration
  • Program Backlogs and Discrepancies
  • The Temporary-Permanent Resident Gap

Setting New Targets

According to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), Canada’s Immigration Levels Plan for 2024-2026 will see up to 485,000 permanent residents in 2024, up to Canada is committed to its immigration aspirations as part of the social and economic development of the country, which this ambitious plan highlights.

Policy Implications and Challenges

Admission Categories: The admission rates will remain similar for each category in the year 2025/2026 as indicated in the plan. Such a method can have adverse effects on immigrants into Canada with a view of settling who face a fixed number of admissions every year.


Express Entry Modifications

IRCC has moved to category-based draws under the Express Entry system and prefers people from certain languages or professions. Although this alteration favors the existing citizens, it is not easy for foreign workers who are already in their pool. It increases the bar for the other rounds of invitations.

Focus on Francophone Immigration

This plan focuses on increasing the number of permanent resident admissions with French capabilities outside Quebec. This will most likely lead to bigger and more frequent draws for Francophones. The effect would be a reduction of spots for non-Francophone candidates in the Express entry pool.

Program Backlogs and Discrepancies

Although there are statements made about the launch of new programs, the 2024-2026 plan closely resembles the 2023-2025 plan. Such raises fears of delays in processing applications for new programs, including applications based on hardship and compassion grounds and specific country national programs, indicating that backlogs should be expected.

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The Temporary-Permanent Resident Gap

However, a significant clash exists between the limited number of permanent resident admissions and the unlimited temporary residence applications. This gap may grow further if Canada freezes permanent resident admissions as temporary residents’ numbers become bigger. Such a scenario is likely to determine the outcome of the 2025 federal election.

If you find this analysis useful, we highly suggest you forward it to your friends and family who may like to know more of Canada immigration policies. Keep tabs as we release more discussions on the same issues that make our world as we know it.

Thank you for your time, and let’s continue discovering and understanding the intricacies of Canada Immigration policies.


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