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Australian Immigration Reforms Latest Migration Review


Australian Immigration To Undergo A Review

In today’s blog, we will take a look at the Australian government’s decision to review the immigration system.

Recently, the Australian Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil marked an independent review of the Australian immigration system as weak. She stated that the Australian immigration system was being manipulated to assist the most horrific crimes that are being committed on Australian soil, such as human trafficking and slavery.

This comes after recent news of visa rorting and foreign workers getting exploited in Australia. Including news regarding a human trafficking ring leader entering Australia despite serving jail time in the UK.

The review of the immigration system will be carried out by the labour migration legal expert Joanna Howe, former top bureaucrat Martin Parkinson, and former Skilled Migration Ministerial Advisory Council member John Azarias.

According to the terms of reference for the review, the aim is to create a comprehensive strategy that conveys the structure, purpose, and goal of Australia’s migration system to ensure it fulfills the national interest in the years to come.

An interim report will be provided to the Home Affairs Minister on February 28 which will include the priority suggestions for next year’s budget.

The Home Affairs Minister ClairO’Neil criticised the Opposition Leader Peter Dutton and how he handled these issues as a former Home Affairs Minister when the coalition government was in power.

Minister O’Neil stated that the former Home Affairs Minister took great pride in being strict on immigration but, at the same time, was sitting on top of a system that was facilitating criminal behaviour. She added that the Australians should get answers about why that happened.

The Minister said the review would be highly beneficial to the country and was the final decision made in the recent jobs and skills summit by the Australian government.

She stated that the government heard the concerns of different businesses, unions and civil societies, and the general consensus was that the system needs to be fixed for the migrants and Australian employers who need them.

So, the Australian government has decided to do an immigration overhaul to create a system that is fast, easy, inexpensive and benefits the immigrants as well as Australia.

This is the end of today’s blog update. We hope you found this blog useful. Please don’t forget to support us by subscribing to our newsletter and sharing this blog with your friends and family on Facebook, Whatsapp, and Twitter.

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