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Australian Immigration News Key Updates on Visa Regulations June 2024 Part 2

Australian Immigration News: Key Updates on Visa Regulations. June 2024 Part 2

In today’s Australian Immigration News update of 24th June 2024 we’ll be covering the Employer Sponsored Visa Reforms, New Rules for Regional Skill Visa and Migration Planning and Experts Insights on Migration Policy. So read the full blog and share!

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Big Changes for Employer Sponsored Visa Holders

In a significant update, the Australian government has announced concessions for employer sponsored visap[- holders, specifically the 457, 482, and 494 visas. These visa holders now have up to one year over the visa lifetime to work in any occupation or business in Australia if they resign or are sacked from their sponsoring employer. This flexibility allows them to find a new sponsor within six months, providing a more stable and supportive environment for skilled workers.

**Check your eligibility to Australia with V&I Australia Points Calculator for free.

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New Rules for Regional Skill Visa and Migration Planning

The much-discussed proposal by the Gratton Institute to scrap the Regional Skill Visa has been met with resistance from the immigration department. Instead, a new discussion paper titled “Supporting Strong and Sustainable Regions” has been released. This paper outlines plans to triple the number of permanent places available for regional migration and prioritize regional visa processing to quickly meet skill needs. Additionally, the extension and simplification of Designated Area Migration Agreements (DAMAs) will help address regional workforce requirements.

** Willing to migrate to Australia? V&I will guide you in step by step process.

Insights on Migration Policy by Professor Peter McDonald

This week’s special guest, Professor Peter McDonald, a leading expert in demography, shared his insights on Australia’s migration patterns. He emphasized that the myth of “permanently temporary” migrants is misleading and highlighted the importance of focusing on permanent migration programs for Australia’s long-term development. Professor McDonald also critiqued the use of ABS statistics for net overseas migration (NOM) and discussed the potential negative impacts of targeting international students to reduce NOM.

**Want to work in Australia? V&I is here to help you.

Upcoming Visa Policy Changes and Recommendations

The immigration department is set to implement new rules starting July 1st, which will impact various visa categories. Importantly, there is an ongoing debate about the age cap for the 485 Visa, affecting international students over 35. Stakeholders are encouraged to provide feedback on the discussion paper by July 26th to influence future migration policies.

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