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Types of UK Visitor Visas & How To Choose The Rights Visa

Welcome to our Website. Our Blog update for today will be part 1 of our 2 part series on UK visitor visa.

In the circumstances of you being a non-visa national which means you have the citizenship of a country allowing you to travel to the UK visa-free at the time of arrival, you will most probably need to hold a visa to travel to the UK as a visitor.

There are various types of visit visas, the type of visa you will be applying for will depend entirely on your reason for traveling to the UK.

Majority of the people coming to the UK as a visitor will need to have a standard visitor visa. This enables visitors to come to the UK  for tourist purposes, including visiting family and friends. A normal visit visa can be allowed for a time period ranging anywhere from a single-entry visa for a stay of just a few days, to a 10-year multiple-entry visa. Regardless of the length, each visit must not exceed six months, and the holder must not use the visa to live in the UK through continuous or successive visits.

The business visitor visa allows people to come to the UK for a period of 6 months to perform a limited number of business-related tasks, ranging from attending meetings, carrying out negotiations, and finishing certain work-related training. The jurisdiction of the activities permitted under this visa are firm and business visitors must exercise caution as to not undertake activities outside these boundaries, if they do – they risk violating the conditions of their visa. This can have harsh circumstances for all individuals and businesses involved.

Study visitor visas are for the purpose of people who wish to pursue short courses of upto six months that are unqualified for a full student visa, for example, courses in English summer schools.

Unique conditions are applicable to child visitors, regardless of the fact that they are visa nationals or not, particularly if they travel without a parent or a guardian.

Apart from the aforementioned main types of visit visas, which will be suitable for the majority of the visitors traveling to the UK, there are a number of added, more suitable categories, including the marriage visitor visa, transit visa, and permitted paid engagement visa.

All visitors (both non-visa and visa nationals) must make sure they abide by the rule that they are a genuine visitor, and that they are not using their visitor status to come to the UK for grounds other than the lawful activities. Visa nationals must establish this during the visa application process, non-visa nationals will need to demonstrate to the border officer, so they should carry proper and relevant documentation.

We have reached the end of part 1 of today’s Blog. Stay tuned for Part 2 coming shortly.

This is the end of today’s blog update. We hope you found this blog useful. Please don’t forget to support us by subscribing to our newsletter and sharing this blog with your friends and family on Facebook, Whatsapp, and Twitter.

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