In a recent blog, we unveiled the plans of the UK government to increase the minimum salary threshold for skilled workers. However, at the time, it was not confirmed whether this new change, which would be effective in spring 2024, would affect those already in the UK renewing visas.
Rishi Sunak has commented on this change recently, so let’s find out more about it in this article.
Mr. Sunak stated that the UK government is working on “transitional arrangements” for British citizens who are with foreign spouses and earn less than £38,700. This new rule came forward in the thick of warnings about splitting families apart.
Initially, the government stated that this rule would also include those who are settled in the UK and are reapplying for visas. However, the Prime Minister has now confirmed that this policy will be rethought. He added that any individual who has dependents must be able to support themselves financially and that it’s been over a decade since the income threshold was increased.
He also stated that the Home Office will be working on “transitional arrangements” so that they are fair and that we can expect an announcement soon.
A point to be noted is that there are “exceptional circumstances” in the family immigration rules. This would ensure that the applicant, their partner, or a relevant child would not go through unjustifiable and harsh consequences.
Remember that this minimum income threshold is applicable to skilled workers and not health and care workers.
Only the sponsor’s income may be applied towards the minimum income requirement when the initial visa application is made from outside of the UK. Partners must earn a total of £38,700 in order to qualify for extensions and permanent residency.
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