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final 01
Red UK passport holders given warning for summer holiday travel

Red UK Passport Holders Are Warned For Summer Holiday Travel

This blog brings you some tips for your summer holiday trip this year. Formerly, when the UK was part of the European Union, you could have stayed in certain countries for prolonged periods. Unfortunately, your stay is now restricted to a maximum of 90 days within six months. Additionally, make sure to check your UK passport’s validity and the country’s entry requirements where you want to spend your holidays.

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Sound advice comes from the experts at an online holiday company suggesting UK holidaymakers validate the expiration dates of their UK passports.

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70 Countries With A 6-Month Validity Rule For UK Passport Holders

Nigeria Kenya Afghanistan United Arab Emirates El Salvador
Central African Republic Namibia Cameroon Samoa Cayman Islands
Cambodia Fiji Anguilla Chad Nicaragua
Ecuador Marshall Islands Algeria Malaysia Comoros
Guinea Bissau Egypt Israel Micronesia Venezuela
Brunei Singapore Thailand Kiribati Jordan
Timor-Leste Madagascar Somalia Saudi Arabia Uganda
Saint Lucia Yemen Vanuatu Iran British Virgin Islands
Curacao Taiwan Gabon Tanzania Indonesia
Palau Bahrain Guyana Iraq Côte D’Ivoire
Laos Sudan Suriname Papua New Guinea Sri Lanka
Solomon Islands Myanmar Rwanda Vietnam Tuvalu
Philippines Somaliland Tokelau Botswana Bhutan
Tonga Equatorial Guinea Oman Zimbabwe Qatar


** Willing to migrate to UK? V&I will guide you in the step-by-step process.

41 Countries With A Three-Month Validity Rule For UK Passport Holders

Norway Germany Greece Bosnia and Herzegovina North Macedonia
Belgium Austria Kuwait Azerbaijan Malta
Iceland Sweden New Zealand Belarus Netherlands
Latvia Senegal Georgia Luxembourg Lebanon
Finland Monaco Lithuania Liechtenstein Spain
Czechia Panama Italy Albania Nauru
Slovenia Estonia Jordan Honduras Moldova
Slovakia France Montenegro Poland Switzerland


Countries With Other Validity Rules For UK Passport Holders

Bermuda has a validity rule of 45 days upon entry.

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Three Months Validity (On Arrival)

  • Eritrea
  • Hong Kong
  • Lebanon
  • Macau
  • South Africa
  • The Maldives

** Want to work in UK? V&I is here to help you.


Four Months Validity (On Arrival)

  • Micronesia
  • Zambia

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