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New Zealand Immigration Updates For October 2022

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New Zealand Immigration Updates For October 2022

In today’s blog, we will briefly examine New Zealand’s immigration updates made between 30 September 2022 and 30 October 2022.

  1. Condition To Complete A New Zealand Traveller Declaration Ceased

From 20 October 2022, air travellers to New Zealand no longer need to complete a New Zealand Traveller Declaration to enter the country.

  1. Changes To The Skilled Migrant Category

The following changes have been made:

  • From 25 October 2022, candidates are unable to claim points for a recognised qualification (where qualification criteria requires them to have an NZQA IQA assessment) or fulfil English language requirements, following the reservation of an assessment. However, the result will not be available by a selection date. There is a possibility to make a proclamation to fulfil the conditions after the selection of Expression of Interest and submission of residence application. Candidates that make a proclamation will have to show that they had made an appointment for an acceptable English language test or requested qualifications assessment, but the outcome was not ready by the EOI selection date.
  • Candidates can use English language tests older than two years to fulfil the requirements for the English language.
  • The average rate the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) will be required to pay for level 1-3 roles has been updated to an hourly rate of $27.76. For ANZSCO level 4-5 roles, the pay will need to be more than $41.64 per hour.

These amendments will be in effect for the initial selection on 9 November 2022 (160 points) and for the following selections starting from 18 January 2023 (180 points).

  1. Green List

The changes made to Green List are as follows:

  • Inclusion of four IT roles,
  • Clarification of eligibility requirements for Food Technologists,
  • Expansion of the requirements for medical registration to include “special purpose locum tenens scope of practice”.

You can look for further requirements and roles for the Green list here.

  1. Accredited Employer Work Visa

Changes made to the Accredited Work Visa are as follows:

  • Chefs no longer need to have a certificate at NZQF Level 4 or higher, including the requirements for credit and knowledge of a New Zealand Certificate in Cookery (Level 4) or an equivalent qualification from abroad.
  • Inclusion of transitional provisions to ensure Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) candidates are provided with the best result in case Green List occupation requirements are changed when a job check is approved, and an AEWV application is filed.

Further upcoming changes to the  Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) are as follows :

  • From 27 February 2023, a new average wage rate of $29.66 per hour will be integrated into policy. According to this, workers that are filing an Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) application on or after 27 February 2023 for jobs that do not have an average wage exemption will be required to be paid a minimum of $29.66 per hour.
  • All wage thresholds listed to the average wage will also be revised on 27 February 2023.
  • The twice-average wage rate will also be raised to $59.32 per hour or $123,177.60 per year for a 40-hour work week on 27 February 2023.
  1. Specific Purpose Work Visa for Philippine Nurses

Nurses with an international qualification are eligible to apply for a three-month Specific Purpose Work Visa instead of a CAP visitor visa with the following requirements:

  • They have gotten a job offer from a district health board or Te Whatu Ora Health New Zealand; and
  • Are accepted for a Nursing Council’s Competence Assessment Programme.
  1. Sector Agreements

Immigration New Zealand has enforced sector agreement changes to permit specific industry workers to be paid less than the current average rate of $27.76 per hour, these sectors are as follows:

  • Seasonal Snow and Adventure Tourism Workers that earn a minimum of $25 hourly, with regular increases. These will be provided for 7 months, but no stand down period will apply.
  • Care Workers paid at the Level 3 rate, which is currently at $26.16 per hour according to the Support Workers (Pay Equity) Settlements Act 2017. A 12-month stand down will be applicable.
  • A 12-month stand down will apply for Construction Workers that are earning a minimum of $25 per hour.
  • Meat Processing Workers that earn a minimum of $24 per hour. This is limited to 320 workers over a two-year period and will only result in 7-month AEWVs with a 4-month stand down.

Onshore Seafood Processing Workers that earn at least $24 per hour. This is limited to 600 onshore and will only result in 7-month AEWVs with a 4-month stand down.

Sea-based Seafood Processing Workers earning a minimum of $25.20 hourly, with regular increases. This is limited to 940 and will only result in 12-month foreign crew of fishing vessels work visas.

If you want to check the complete list of roles that can be paid below the average wage rate, click here.

  1. Parent Category

Before, only a single adult child or joint adult child and their partner could be considered to fulfil the requirements for Parent Category sponsor income. Recently, an amendment has been made to permit the income of two adult children to be considered to fulfil conditions for Parent Category sponsor income.

Changes made to the income requirements of the sponsor are as follows:

  • 5 times the New Zealand average wage with one adult child sponsor sponsoring 1 parent, and increases by half the average income amount for each additional parent.
  • 2 times the average wage for 1 parent with joint sponsors sponsoring 1 parent, and increases by half the amount of average wage for each additional parent.
  1. Care Worker Work to Residence Pathway

Care workers that have worked for a minimum of 24 months beginning from 29 September 2021 and were paid Level 4 rates throughout the 24-month period in New Zealand in a profession on the Care Workforce sector occupation list in Appendix 14, and meet other conditions, will be able to apply for a resident visa.

With so many changes, Immigration New Zealand is working hard to introduce the latest policy decisions made by the New Zealand government.

This is the end of today’s blog update. We hope you found this blog useful. Please don’t forget to support us by subscribing to our newsletter and sharing this blog with your friends and family on Facebook, Whatsapp, and Twitter.

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