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Biden to sign executive order to stop immigration

Biden to sign executive order to stop immigration

In today’s blog update, we’ll tell you about President Biden’s New Executive Action on Immigration at the US Border.

Biden’s Aggressive Immigration Stance

As immigration continues to be a pivotal issue for American voters, President Joe Biden is set to take decisive executive action that could dramatically alter asylum procedures at the US-Mexico border. This move, intended to manage the surging numbers of asylum seekers, marks the President’s most assertive step yet in addressing the complexities of border control.

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Details of the Executive Order on Asylum Seekers

Under the proposed executive order, the US will effectively shut down the border to asylum seekers when daily migrant crossings reach a threshold of 2,500. This policy is designed to be triggered automatically, halting asylum processes to manage and control the flow effectively. With recent figures averaging 3,500 crossings per day, the impact of this order could be immediate and significant, potentially turning away thousands of migrants.


Context and Implications of the New Border Policy

This stringent measure comes as migration remains a hot-button issue in US politics, particularly following former President Donald Trump’s calls for Republicans to obstruct bipartisan immigration deals. Biden’s move could face legal challenges, reflecting the ongoing national debate over the balance between maintaining border security and upholding humanitarian commitments to asylum seekers.

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Collaborative Efforts with Mexico’s New Leadership

The timing coincides with Mexico electing its first female and Jewish president, Claudia Shanebaum, who has expressed intentions to continue collaborative efforts with the US on immigration control. Shanebaum’s background as a physicist and her proactive stance on immigration could enhance cooperative measures between the two nations.


As the Biden administration prepares for potential legal pushbacks, this executive action signals a critical moment in US immigration strategy, emphasizing a more controlled approach to managing asylum flows. This policy shift aims to alleviate pressures at the border while aligning with broader national security and policy objectives, marking a significant chapter in the administration’s efforts to tackle one of the most challenging issues facing the country today.

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