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ArriveCAN Apps Uses To Be Expanded


In Today’s blog updates, will look at the Canadian government’s new plans regarding the ArriveCan phone application.

The ArriveCAN app, first introduced as a temporary COVID-19 measure, is likely to stay despite technical anomalies and causing delays at Canadian border crossings.

ArriveCAN was introduced in April 2020 to monitor travellers to Canada for COVID-19. Its function has since been expanded to collect travel, health, and vaccine information on travellers to Canada. The app has been criticised for causing unnecessary delays and, recently, for directing users to quarantine even though they are fully vaccinated, show no symptoms of the virus, and do not require quarantine or isolation.

Multiple media outlets have reported that the app incorrectly directed vaccinated, asymptomatic travellers to quarantine or face the possibility of a $5,000 fine for noncompliance. The federal government says the glitch affected less than 3% of Apple devices, and the issue has now been addressed.

That may give little reassurance to those keen to bid adieu to the troubles app. At a June press conference, Marco Mendicino, Public Safety Minister, said ArriveCAN is here to stay and will be used for customs declarations in the future, an option already available at airports in Vancouver and Toronto.

The continued use of ArriveCAN may prove to be problematic for many senior citizens and other travellers who do not have smartphones. At the moment, there is no hint the app will replace other forms of customs declarations.

What Are The Results Of Not Completing Arrivecan Before Travel?

Implementing the ArriveCan app resulted in the consequences of failing to properly submit an ArriveCan report before travel. If you do not submit your information through ArriveCAN, your entry to Canada may get rejected ultimately.

If you are a Canadian Citizen, Permanent Resident or otherwise qualified for entry, you may still face other consequences such as:

  • Not being qualified for the vaccinated traveller exemption from quarantine even if you are fully vaccinated and being asked to quarantine and complete post-arrival testing
  • Getting postponed at the border for public health questioning
  • Being subject to enforcement action or fines

Travellers have reported many consequences when they seek to travel without completing their ArriveCan report. Some airlines have rejected passengers from boarding, while other travellers have been asked to quarantine and undergo ‘Day 8 testing’ even though they had proof of vaccination status upon arrival at the port of entry.  Fines for failing to submit your ArriveCan report are usually $3,500 or more.

One of the most frequently asked questions is, What if the ArriveCan app or website is not working on the day I need to travel? Unfortunately, neither the airlines nor the Canada Border Services Agency officers have shown leniency to technical issues and still enforce penalties for incomplete ArriveCan reports even if it is clear that the incapacity to submit is due to technical issues.

This is the end of today’s blog update. We hope you found this blog useful. Please don’t forget to support us by subscribing to our newsletter and sharing this blog with your friends and family on Facebook, Whatsapp, and Twitter.

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