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Courses leading to Work Visa in Australia

Degree Courses leading to Work Visa in Australia ~ Work Visa for International Students 2024

In today’s blog update, we’ll dicsuss about the courses that can lead to a graduate work visa

It was noted that students are concerned if their course can lead to a graduate work visa (Subclass 485) – Often called TR.

** Check required documents for Australian Immigration with Australian Visa Application Document Checklist Tool  for free.


Please note that a Graduate Work Visa permits an applicant to stay in Australia for up to 2 – 6 years after their study. Many applicants utilize this time to build up additional work experience so as to apply for PR in Australia. On the other hand, if you want to study this visa, you MUST study a relevant course.


In order to apply for either stream you need to study for at least 92 CRICOS weeks (or close to 2 years).

Please keep in mind that there are 2 different streams where are as follows:
– Post Study Work Stream
– Graduate Stream

*Check your eligibility to Austrlaia with V&I Australia Points Calculator for free.

Fundamentally if you study a Bachelor’s, Master or PhD you should qualify for a Post Study Work stream. On the other hand, if you study specific courses at a vocational level, you may qualify for the Graduate Stream.

In order to meet the requirements for the graduate stream you will need to do the following:

  1. Nominate an occupation on the Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL). Please note that occupations on the MLTSSL that do not obligate a Bachelor qualification include must trade occupations, telecommunications, civil or electrical drafting.
  2. Possess a degree, diploma, or trade qualification closely related to that occupation

** Willing to migrate to Australia? V&I will guide you in step by step process.

Another factor you need to keep in mind that is that he course that you study need to be closely linked to your nominated occupation. For instance, if you nominate the occupation of Carpenter, you should have studied a relevant course Cert III in Carpentry.

Other associated courses could be the Certificates or Diploma’s in Building and Construction. If you select Carpentry, and you studied a Diploma and Adv Diploma of Management, immigration may not consider it to be closely related.


Please remember that you must be able to pass a provisional skill assessment as evaluated by a related assessing authority as having skills fit for your nominated occupation.

*Want to work in Australia? V&I is here to help you.

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Understanding Skill Assessment Criteria for International Study and Career Paths

Please keep in mind that you need to be able to pass a skill assessment (or provisional skill assessment). For instance, if you study a Cert IV in Commercial Cookery you can pass a provisional skill assessment as a chef. On the other hand, if you study for a Diploma of Engineering, you will not be able to pass a skill assessment as an Engineer. The only exclusion to this is if you have studied previously in your home country and can pass a skill assessment based on this study. For example, if in your home country, you have studied a bachelor of civil engineering in the past. You may then be able to pass a skill assessment based on this scenario. You could then look to hypothetically study a closely linked course to fulfil the study requirement.

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