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Canada’s 10-Day Priority Processing


In this blog update, we will discuss the Canadian government’s new strategies for hiring international high-skilled workers.

Canadian companies can bring high-wage temporary foreign employees into Canada with 10-day priority processing, one of the speediest immigration processing times in the world. 10-day priority processing is an immigration option which is utilised often by Canadian tech companies that want to hire highly-skilled international workers quickly. Recruiting highly qualified, educated and experienced foreign talent is crucial for Canada’s economic recovery. The government welcomes foreign workers and has worked to enact new programs and make existing programs more effective to help mitigate the labour shortage.

In April, the Workforce Solutions Road Map made adjustments to Canada’s Global Talent Stream to make it simpler for businesses to bring temporary foreign workers to Canada:

  • The maximum length of employment for High-Wage and Global Talent Streams workers was extended from 2 to 3 years. This increment will help workers access pathways to be eligible for permanent residency, allowing them to contribute to the Canadian manpower for the long term.
  • According to Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC), the duration of employment must correspond with the employer’s employment needs. High-wage positions include the Global Talent Stream, High-wage Stream including caregiver positions, Agricultural Stream and Express Entry. The duration may be issued for longer in unusual circumstances where the employer provides an acceptable

2 Streams For 10-Day Priority Processing Of High Wage Earner Temporary Foreign Workers.

Temporary Foreign Worker Stream For High Wage Positions:

A job that needs a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) to decide if the hiring of a temporary foreign worker will have a positive or negative influence on the Canadian labour market. A high-wage profession for a position that pays in the top 10% of local Canadian wages can qualify for expedited priority processing in 10 days or less. These jobs are generally highly skilled, professional jobs; such as:

  • High-level managerial jobs
  • Senior executives
  • Physicians

The Labour Market Impact Assessment application can be filed through the online portal 6 months before the start date of the expected job.

Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) guarantees 10-day priority processing for the following three categories:

  • Occupations in high demand
  • The work period of 120 days or less
  • High-paying jobs that aren’t in the top ten per cent

The High Wage Labour Market Impact Assessment stream is based on the average wage where the job will be located, as specified by Statistics Canada.

Global Talent Tech Stream For High Wage Positions:

Canadian companies are hiring foreign tech workers with exceptional and technical skills for highly paid positions to build the economy. Processed through the Global Talent Stream, applications that qualify for speedy service have a service commitment of 10 business days that IRCC commits to fulfilling at a minimum of 80% of the time. The 10-day service commitment date starts on the business day after the application has been received.

Fast-paced service is not a guarantee that your high-wage Temporary Foreign Worker Program application will get priority treatment or approval. Applications that are insufficient, confusing or in any way doubtful will not be expedited and may be postponed. Employment and Social Development Canada take non-compliance and misleading information on requests for priority processing of high-wage positions very seriously.

The 10-day priority processing time is applicable to foreign workers who don’t require visas, such as Americans or western Europeans.

This is the end of today’s blog update. We hope you found this blog useful. Please don’t forget to support us by subscribing to our newsletter and sharing this blog with your friends and family on Facebook, Whatsapp, and Twitter.

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