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10 Most in-demand jobs in Manitoba for newcomers in Canada

10 Most in demand jobs in Manitoba for newcomers in Canada


2022 has proven to be an excellent year for employers working in Manitoba as they are desperately searching for workers to fulfill the available jobs. However, it has been a perfect opportunity for all foreign nationals who were finding ways to come to Canada through various economic immigration programs.

A shortage of 5,900 workers has been forecasted every year till the end of 2025, according to the Manitoba Labour Market Outlook Report 2021-2025.

Depending on the circumstances, a total of 141,700 job openings will be witnessed between 2021 and 2025 by the Manitoba economy. Up to 57% of these openings are to be held, resulting in the replacement of retired workers and deaths.

However, between 2021 and 2025, Manitoba’s economy will witness 112,100 new workers join the employed labor force, with about 22,400 workers to be recruited annually.

The province of Prairie is most likely to turn towards immigration to meet the requirements of its labor shortage due to the continuous lack of workers to fulfill the work position.

It is expected most likely to end this year with up to 3.6% real GDP growth, with 1.2% economic growth till next year, followed by 1.4% in 2024, indicating betterment in the manufacturing and agriculture sector.

According to the economist’s reports, manufacturers are rejoicing in 2022, with the shipments rising to 20% through July compared to last year.

However, food manufacturing is also seen to be performing well with the increase in production from a new large-scale pea-processing plant and a newly extended facility for meat processing. Production from both manufacturing and food manufacturing facilities was received online last year exceptionally. However, chemical shipments have also been observed to increase distinctly, followed by fertilizer products.

According to the reports by Statistics Canada, in September, there were vacancies for over 29,715 jobs in the province.

They further stated in the report released in December,that growth in full-time employment has been observed, with over 11,100 jobs this year until November.

Most Demanded Jobs Available In Manitoba

1. (NOC 63200) Cooks

2. (NOC 31301) Registered Nurses

3. (NOC 72401) Heavy Equipment Mechanics

4. (NOC 73400) Heavy Equipment Operators

5. (NOC 73300) Transport Truck Drivers

6. (NOC 65200) Food And Beverage Servers

7. (NOC 11100) Accountant

8. (NOC 21232) Software Developers

9. (NOC 75110) Construction Trades Helper

10. (NOC 64100) Retail Sales Associates

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