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New developments in Australian immigration law

New Australia PR pathway for 457 & 482 Visa holders Upcoming Australia Immigration Changes 2023

This blog update talks about the Key Amendments to Migration Regulations for the month of November 2023.

A significant revision of the Migration Regulations 1994 has been made by the Australian authorities, coming into force on 25 November 2023. The changes are especially important for holders of subclass 457 visas (Temporary work skilled) and subclass 482 visas (Temporary skill shortage).

Permanent residency pathway for 457 and 482 visa holders

A good example of this change entails providing a path for all 457 visa holders and other 482 primary visa holders for 482 visa holders within Temporary Residence Transition streams. To this effect, this is a significant change from the past with regard to permanent residency that gives consideration to a more diversified approach.

Health Waivers and Occupational Lists Adjustments

Another essential part of these amendments is the provision of a health waiver for some visa streams that increases accessibility for most applicants. There have also been some changes to the occupation lists for subclasses 186 and 187 making it easier for applicants.


The consequences for holders of Visas and applicants.

The changes should be considered to have wide-ranging impacts on those who already have visas and also the new applicants. The Australian government’s position on skilled workers is becoming more accommodating towards those who are willing to work in the country.

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Overall, the changes in the Migration Regulations of Australia can be seen as a step toward more open and adjustable immigration laws. The above changes are most relevant to subclass 457 and 482 visa holders, providing clearer pathways to permanent residence and more lenient eligibility criteria. It is a major change in the Australian immigration process.

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